What is a Hyperloop?

Hyperloop is a concept transit system aiming to deliver fast, efficient ground transportation by eliminating air resistance. An underground tunnel network consisting of pressurized vacuum tubes allows pods to frictionless accelerate to speeds comparable to an airplane.

Hyperloop is...

The speed of a Hyperloop pod rivals that of passenger airliners. A trip from San Fransisco to Las Angeles could take as little as 30 minutes.
The total lack of air resistance means the pod essentially glides through the tube, making it extremely energy efficient. Hyper-loop travel would add negligible carbon emissions to the atmosphere when compared to other forms of transit.
With a pod departing from a station every 2 minutes, Hyperloop would make the frustrating experience of waiting for a late bus or train a thing of the past.

Our New Mission

Our team’s focus this year has pivoted to building a viable TBM for the Not-a-Boring competition, and we are actively recruiting new members for our sub teams.

The Hyperloop Competition was cancelled in 2020, partly due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the  limitations in technology to build and maintain continental-spanning Hyperloop transit networks. To remedy this, the Boring Company announced the Not-a-Boring competition to fuel innovation in building cheap, efficient tunnels. Teams are competing to build the fastest Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM), capable of autonomously drilling underground, removing drilled stone and dirt to the surface, and building a supporting tunnel wall.

Our Story

The team was founded by David Coven, Michael Chamerski, and Malachi Williams during the 2015/2016 season. The team finished 4th in the U.S., and 6th in the world in the competition.
In Comp III, we pursued a cold gas thrust propulsion system as well as a composite C-channel chassis. The pod was significantly smaller and lighter, which helped to increase the maximum speed. We were awarded an Innovation Award for our cold gas thrust propulsion system and placed as the best team in the U.S. and 4th in the world at the SpaceX competition.
Rotate Phone by Warunk Icon from the Noun Project
Comp IV was built on the success from Comp III. Featuring a downsized stability system and pneumatic powered braking calipers capable of a 3.5g deceleration. The pod weighed only 100 lbs (lightest we've ever built). The pod was also designed to achieve a top speed of 300 mph with a 3g acceleration. We finished in a 3-way tie for first in the U.S., and 5th in the world. 
Rotate Phone by Warunk Icon from the Noun Project
Due to COVID-19 and the cancellation of the SpaceX competition, the team decided to continue researching and developing the new and improved Pod VI. We look forward to competing at the European Hyperloop Week design category in July of 2021.

Based on the extensive design research conducted in 2021, Washington Hyperloop is looking forward to enhance and test those designs from the upcoming fall.